Tuesday Tit-illation: Erin


Aussie Awesome. Click to embiggenify.

WP Code Monkey Bastards — A Poetry By EP*


Elevated from the comments for awesome…

“The Grinch Who Stole The Blogiversary”

All the minions in Netville liked snooch a lot,
but the Grinch, who lived north of Netville did not.
Some say it’s because his tie was too tight,
or that his head wasn’t screwed on just right.
But the most likely reason of all,
was that his penis was three sizes too small.

His genius was such, it called up a reply, For that wily McGoo could not let it pass by:

I had a blog
It featured snooch!
I think that WordPress
Needs a thorough douche!

*Cultural reference: