Four Years Later Motivationator

Well, I actually had a version of this post ready to go at the Soylent Homeworld, before the Cursed (pronounced curs ed) Code Monkeys shut me down for nothing on Saturday. So, we’ll start the 5th year hectoring the hyperverse here with…who else:

jade_green(Click for Embiggenification.)

Funny thing, I actually had more than 3,400 hits at the closed site Sunday. It will be closer to 0 today. So, until further notice Genius will be dispensed here. Spread the word, my minions. šŸ˜ˆ

For added irony, look what I found in my comments yesterday…


12 Responses

  1. Well, that sucks mightily! I noticed the shutdown Saturday and curs-ed the Powers That Be at WordStrokers repeatedly in Blank Verse!

    I bet they just got jealous of your hit rate.

    BTW: when they temporarily shut down A&A years ago, it was simply their auto-bot flagging a dubious link to a pron site. Did you email them? I did at the time and the site was quickly restored.

  2. I did get an initial response, McGoo. Apparently they are “Shocked. Shocked, Ricky” to find pr@n goin on there. They said I violated the “pornography” section of their TOS. Can’t wait ’til they find this place again.
    Check over at NSKMD for the ultimate irony regarding this dilemma.

  3. Damn!

    Personally, I question their masculinity. šŸ™‚

    Might be time for your own website. Has the name “Snark & Snooch Daily dotcom” been taken?

  4. Is it ok that I left the link over at H&B’s Texas thread? Let me know if you want me to take it down.

  5. NP, darlin.’

  6. For the people at WordPress: “The Grinch Who Stole The Blogiversary”
    All the minions in Netville liked snooch a lot,
    but the Grinch, who lived north of Netville did not.
    Some say it’s because his tie was too tight,
    or that his head wasn’t screwed on just right.
    But the most likely reason of all,
    was that his penis was three sizes too small.

  7. That may have to be elevated to the front page, Eric.

  8. Sublime, Mssr Praline!

    How ’bout:

    I had a blog
    It featured snooch!
    I think that WordPress
    Needs a thorough douche!

  9. Luckily, even though you hadn’t posted in for-fucking-ever here, I kept popping in to see if there was anything new. When I found your little comment at mine, I checked, I cursed, I came here. And you were here. And it was good.

  10. Reblogged this on Cmblake6's Weblog and commented:
    See, I told you SG still existed.

  11. It’s gonna be interesting to see the daily stats on this site, SG – as the Snoochers fine home sweet home again!

    You should start a “Blog Pool” (al la Stoat Weasel), and take predictions as to how long WP takes to find this site.

  12. McGoo, they actually shut this one down a few years ago for a link to a virus-infested pr@n site. Imagine that skanks and viruses–who’d have thunk it?

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